About Salem Academy

For over 12 years, Salem Academy has enabled the learning and development of pupils and students by giving them the right tools and resources to truly flourish.

Welcome message

Welcome to Salem Academy. As the founder, I am passionate about Salem and our wonderful kids. It has been the pleasure of my life to create a school for future leaders, thought leaders, visionaries, professionals, and entrepreneurs who are kind, passionate, respectful, innovative and excellent at all they do.

It is our aim to shape the process of creating well-rounded young people who can face the challenges of the 21st century and indeed beyond. Our successes are primarily down to our overarching principle and belief in excellence, it is indeed the founding block of our organization. All our teachers and students have fully embraced our value of excellence and as such, it defined all that we do. I believe that today’s students will be tomorrow’s citizens, leaders, workers and parents.

Therefore a good education is an investment with enduring benefits.
To this end we provide a world-class facility that houses classrooms, laboratories, a state-of-the-art ICT center, an interactive library and many other student-teacher learning resources. Our Academic and non-academic staff are well versed at what they do and they ensure that all our students have the very best experience at Salem Academy. 

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About Salem

At Salem Academy, students receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting and serene environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically and personally. For over 12 years, Salem Academy has enabled the learning and development of pupils and students by giving them the right tools and resources to truly flourish.

Our team of highly qualified academic and non-academic staff focus on ensuring that each child is well educated, and that their individual needs are catered for. Like the name Salem implies, our school provides a peaceful and serene learning environment for children to excel. The training and education we offer at Salem Academy is in line with global best practices and industry standard, as all our pupils and students are equipped with 21st century skills such as creative thinking, communication, and problem solving. By the end of their education at Salem, all our pupils and students are ready for the next level of their mental and cognitive development and they will excel in all that they do.

We look forward to welcoming you to Salem Academy, where everything we do is unto excellence. Interested in learning more about Salem Academy? We invite you to keep exploring our website, and get in touch with questions about our values, academics and more. Join Us today! 

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We have been accredited by the F.C.T department of Policy Implementation now known as Department of Quality Assurance since 2013.  We are a certified school as a Child Protection School & Case Management under the Child's Right Act 2003 

Extra-curricular activities, excursion and trips

Check out the various schools on the tab to get information on their particular Co-curricular Activities and excursion.


Since inception Salem Academy has maintained an almost unmatched and enviable history of academic excellence in both internal and external examinations and competitions. Similar to our many feats at various National and Regional exams where our students emerge in flying colors, a Salem Academy student was among the Top Five outstanding performance at the 2019 National common Entrance Examination who had a total score of 176 out of 200.


Distance is not an excuse when it comes to making Salem Academy the preferred choice for Your child, as we have an efficient and effective transportation system that can bring your child/ward from any part of the city to be part of excellence. You can be sure of nothing less than the best as we have a transport service that has remained unrivaled.


The facility in which we operate is one that facilitates top-notch educational delivery, and this is a core for us at Salem. Every child at Salem Academy has an opportunity to learn not just in a serene and conducive environment but in a well equiped setting. We possess a state of the art serene physical learning enviroment that enhances social and academic activities in all ramifications. Our Computer and other laboratory are well equiped to meet present demand in a more challenging and dynamic environment.

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Our facility include;

  • Beautiful architectural design
  • Well built Classrooms, Laboratories and Introductory technology Workshops
  • Well equipped Science Laboratories, Arts Laboratories
  • A state-of-the-art Computer Laboratories with adequate workstations
  • Standard library and resource centre managed by a professional

  • Premium transportation system
  • Well furnished indoor and outdoor sports facilities Basketball court, scrabble, chess, monopoly etc
  • Exceptional recreational facilities
  • Double 500KVA Generating Plant that ensures constant power supply
  • School clinic with professionals attending to students

You still have a question?

We’re always happy to help. Send us a mail at hello@salemacadmyng.com. For
fast answers, give us a call

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